Saturday, April 30, 2011


Name of magazine: Crazy Cat Lady
Concept: This magazine covers more than the basics. Every article goes into detail and depth, providing you with all the information you could ever want. 
Readers: Cat lovers, mainly experienced ones. Ranging in age from early twenties into fifties. Mostly female, middle or upper class.
Competition: Other magazines claim to be useful, but are mostly filled with pictures and pictures and not much else. My magazine has full-color pictures and helpful tips, articles, and reader stories on every page.
Advertisers: Iams Cat Food, Los Gatos Veterinarian, Tidy Cats Litter, Walgreens First Aid Antiseptic Spray, San Jose Animal Care Shelter.
Articles: Exclusive interview with renowned cat expert Maggie Muggers, best cleaning products for getting cat barf off fabrics, kittens and everything you ever wanted to know about them, readers' pick for best litter box of 2011, twenty tips for how to be the best cat owner you can be.
Cover: Background picture is my cat, Cece, caught in the middle of a yawn. Articles are highlighted in colors that compliment the picture, and this issue comes with a bonus poster in the back.


  1. As a male, this is kinda scary to a male audience... but funny at the same time

  2. I like the edge. It's appropriate for the topic - cats.
